2.Taking the leap of faith

I’m currently working at a residential architecture firm, but I’m thinking about changing my career to a software engineer.

The first reason is, the IT infrastructure in the architecture industry is severely outdated, and maybe I can do something about it.

When I’m working, it feels as if I’m trying the best I can to cut a tree with a stained ax. I honestly see all the people around me teaching each other and learning about how they can cut the tree with that stained ax. (And they are getting PRETTY good at it.) But it feels weird nobody is actually trying to sharpen that ax. They know that it’s not sharp but they are not trying to face that fact. A) Because they are “TOO BUSY” to take the time to sharpen it. B) Since it’s a HUGE company, we have to do so many things to make that change. It’s just too inefficient.

Another reason is because of the working culture.

Well, it’s quite famous that Japan has a “WORK HARDER!” culture, especially in an old huge company. People say to “WORK SMARTER” but their actions obviously show the opposite. Those who stay at the office longer are praised, and those who go home early ( which nobody does) are thought “They have too much free time.” So basically there is no winning. If you can go home exactly at the time when working-time is over, your boss will give you MORE WORK because you have “TOO MUCH FREE TIME”. I’m “WORKING to live”, not “LIVING to work”. I Don’t want to mess up my prioritization.

I’ve said a lot of things, but I currently don’t have a decent plan yet. So I need to figure that out. I might share my plan (maybe not) but I’ll definitely write about this topic again.

Until then!