13.Digitized Reputation

It’s never been easier to create a personal brand.

Thanks to the internet, it’s possible to MONETIZE IN ALMOST ANY NICHE.

Anyone can create a trust relationship without the status of the company you’re in. People will rather consider the service you’re actually providing.

When you want somebody to buy your product, the most important element is trust.

In the near future, if someone meets you and doesn’t know whether they can trust you, they’ll just look you up on google.
If they find you and see what you’re doing, they’ll have A SENSE THAT THEY  “KNOW YOU” a little bit, which will HELP THEM THINK THEY CAN TRUST YOU.

If they don’t find you, you are A COMPLETE MYSTERY to them. Therefore, they CANNOT TRUST YOU.

Self Branding is going to be a DIGITIZED REPUTATION of you.