4.My Company’s First BIG EVENT: A 20-day Camp

The first event was one of the most memorable so I’ll share it here.

For my company, we first have a 20-day camp in the country-side. During the camp, we are A) Lectured on how to behave as a “SHAKAIJIN” (a name for people who graduated college and now part of the society. I’m not sure that’s the proper definition.) and B) Brainwashed to be loyal to the company. MAINLY FOR [B]. Despite the reason, it was VERY FUN! We get in groups and we stay in a little cottage with our new colleagues. Luckily, my roommates were one of the first friends I’d made so it made it even more fun.

One thing that was kind of disturbing was our first job. Which is acquiring the 2nd class architect license. We needed this so that when we go back to where we are initially assigned, we could then design and construct homes legally. IT IS A MUST to get the license on the first try in our company. Some people who failed the exam even got transferred to a completely different division. It was actually kind of scary.

That was one of the reasons why we were staying at a cottage. TO STUDY. There are two exams(ACADEMIC and DRAFTING), and about 20% make it all the way. For the last couple of years, 100% of the members of my company passed the ACADEMIC test, and just a couple failed the DRAFTING test.

The last big event in this camp is a trial exam and they release the results and rank EVERYONE. It’s like a PUBLIC EXECUTION. I’ve worked my ass out and studied to prevent public shame. Also, the branch I was assigned, was the place where all the elites from all over Japan were gathered, so failing wasn’t an option for me. I went so hard and ranked No. 1. Even though there were a total of 5 trials after that, I was able to keep that position.

So you ask me. “How did the exam go?”, huh? I FREAKIN’ FAILED.