1. Getting the 1st Class Architect License in Japan

Secondary test: DRAFTING

I’ve got my class-1 architect license last year and I’m going to write my thoughts about how it feels like and what’s changed.

Being straight forward, NOTHING’S CHANGED.

I was really craving for this license because A) It’s difficult(only 6% pass both first and secondary exam on their first try) B) Consumes a lot of money, time, and energy C) People literally judge you whether you have the license or not.

Passing the exam doesn’t mean I’ve obtained all the knowledge to design buildings. It’s more like, having a driver’s license but don’t know how to drive that much. So yeah, to be honest, people look at you differently. By having this license you can fool people that you know what you’re doing but in reality, you still actually don’t know what the hell is going on. (Well… I am TRYING though)

So, the moral of the story is… Don’t freakin’ judge a book by its cover. (You never know whether you’re facing someone like me. )

Maybe I’ll write again more specifically about the license later on…