9.First Attempt

So I had my first interview for the AI ENGINEERING position last week. I have no background in CS so I thought I was literally going to have my ass kicked, but I somehow made it through my first interview. My words weren’t organized at all, so I honestly still don’t know how in the world I made it. I took several online courses on machine learning, so that might have been one of the aspects that saved me.

As for the next step, I’m going to have to take a web test to have them determine my current skills. (so scary) If I pass that I’ll be having the final interview.

To be honest, it’s scary. This transition may be one of the scariest and biggest decisions I’m going to have to make in my life. Well…better than not trying, right? Even Jeff Bezos was working at McDonald’s when he was my age.

I guess I just have to believe that taking this leap of faith will somehow bring me closer to my life goals.