Category WebDev

76. Use BRAVE to block ADS

BRAVE is a web browser based on chrome, so if you are a heavy chrome user, this might be the tool for you. BRAVE helps you block all ads and trackers, so for example you won’t see any ads before…

68. I’ve Created a Simple DMP

I’ve created a simple data management platform using Nextjs and Django.I’m hoping I can get some kind of feedback to check whether I’m creating would be ACTUALLY useful.

39. Docker Multi-Stage Builds

DOCKERI’m currently working on a service using Docker, and recently I’ve found something that might be very useful called MULTI-STAGE BUILD so I’d like to share it here. CONCEPTFor all of my previous works, I’ve been using OPTION 1 from…

38. Data Preparation

PREPARING DATAWhen starting an AI project, 80% of the work is on cleaning data for the model. In most cases, the data are not clean and the data source is not centrally managed. That’s when a data management platform comes…