Category Book Review

15.Starting with C?

When you start learning computer science, we can… A) Start with C, then move to other programming languages B) Start with easier languages, then move to c. C is a programming language that is closer to machine code(which means it is…

14.Why Digital Transformation Fail

Even America, one of the most advanced nations in information technology, has a 70% CHANCE OF FAILING DX. Why? It’s because not a lot of people understand why DX actually succeeds. We tend to think that in order to succeed…

13.Digitized Reputation

It’s never been easier to create a personal brand. Thanks to the internet, it’s possible to MONETIZE IN ALMOST ANY NICHE. Anyone can create a trust relationship without the status of the company you’re in. People will rather consider the…

12.The power of PODCASTS

You become what you consume.Then why not consume something that would have a positive impact?? One of the best aspects of podcasts is that they are FREE! There are so many noteworthy contents, it’s hard to understand why I haven’t…

11.Taking my next step

I finally got a new job as an AI engineer! I’m going to start working next month. This is one the biggest decisions I’ve ever made, so I’m truly excited but scared a little at the same time. I see…

10.Writing Daily Notes

When we are busy, we often forget to take the time to slow down and think about what truly matters to us the most. To take that time, I found out that, for me, writing every day helps tremendously. This…

9.First Attempt

So I had my first interview for the AI ENGINEERING position last week. I have no background in CS so I thought I was literally going to have my ass kicked, but I somehow made it through my first interview.…

8.Show Your Work by Austin Kleon

I’ve finished my 40th book after I was finally released from studying for the 1st class architect license last October, so I want to share one of my favorite books so far. 「Show Your Work」by Austin Kleon : If I…

7.Why I’m starting to like coding.

After I discovered the concept of “Generative Designing” (Designing method for architecture using A.I. and cloud-computing), I started to learn “Machine Learning” using Python every morning. (Btw, I have no CS degree) The course I took was created by a…