Category Book Review

34. Minimum Designing

■DESIGNING I think that in almost any given situation, being able to design more elegantly is always better. Unfortunately, I’m not THAT into designing and I don’t want to use too much time on it. So I thought about how…

32.Between IT and Architecture

What I’ve noticed so far after shifting to the AI industry. ■SIMILARITY ・Reading between the Lines The process of giving value to the client is almost identical. In both industries, we first listen to the client’s needs, then we give…

31. Creating a Habit-Forming Product

THE 4 PHASES Recently I’ve read a book called “Hooked” by Nir Eyal and the strategy that was introduced in the book was absolutely mind-blowing. So for this blog, I want to share what I’ve learned from this book.This book…

30. Negotiation

Every part of communication has some relation with Negotiation. When you ask your boss at work for some time, that’s negotiation.When you want to have your boyfriend wash the dishes for you, that’s negotiation as well. During this negotiation, it’s…

29.Java Training Program

It’s been a month since the training started so I’m going to share my experience about that. On the first orientation I learned about the GIT, where you can store data in an organized way so that when something goes…

28. The Third Dimension

Prioritizing your task, may be one of the most important things to do, in the age of “InformationAssaultEverywhere”. Diluted focus will take us nowhere. In the book, “7 habits of highly effective people” by Stephen Covey, it introduces the 2…

27. Do we need programmers?

AI is everywhere. Even for programming tools. There are some languages, where you only have to write the explanation, and the AI will figure out the code for you. Do we need programmers in the future?? Going straight to the…