Category AI

118. Pre-Fetching Data

Pre-fetching your data can help your data pre-processing pipeline more smoother. Without pre-fetching, the cpu would wait for the process in the GPU to end, and then start to prepare the next data. You can do this process in parallel…

116. Active Machine Learning

Labeling Data is time-consuming and boring. Active Machine Learning may help reduce that labeling process down to 10~20%. Fig.1 – Active Learning Workflow The basic workflow is as follows: 1. Label Data Partially 2. Train Model only with the labeled…

115. Jacobian Matrix

Jacobian Matrix is a matrix which stores all the partial derivatives for multiple functions. For example, let’s consider ex1 (top left). F(x) is a function containing 1 variable. If you calculate the derivative of F(x) it would be 2x. Now,…

113. Check Your Data..

When I was evaluating the model, both f1 score and jaccard score, for some reason, was decreasing as the model finishes more epochs. (Which is quite insane.) I’ve been checking the dimensions of the variables I was using to calculate…