Category AI

211. ONNX

ONNX Due to the increase of frameworks for developing machine learning models, working across frameworks and hardware ecosystems became extremely difficult. ONNX (Open Neural Network eXchange) is an open-source standard that defines a common set of operators and a file…

210. Graphical Neural Networks

NNs and GNNs NN’s Expects inputs as a node GNN’s Inputs/Outputs graphs instead of a singular node. Expects inputs as an array of nodes. Considers “Adjacency Matrix” which stores information on the relationships between each node, besides the results from…

208. Otsu Binarization

Otsu Binarization Image thresholding is used during the preprocessing phase to binarize images depending on the pixel intensities. Otsu Binarization is one method to find the appropriate threshold by minimizing the variance between each class. Here is an implementation example…

207. CMPAI: AI Project Methodology

The 6 Phases CPMAI is a Best-practice methodology for AI Projects proposed by Cognilytica. This methodology consists of 6 phases. Phase 1: Business Understanding Assess the business situation Should you even use an AI in the first place? Is it…

206. Image Generation Methods

4 Categories There are mainly 4 Image generation methods. 1. GAN Train a GENERATOR that generates an image from “z”, and have a DISCRIMINATOR discriminate whether the generated image is real or not. The GENERATOR tries to learn to be…

205. CVAT for Annotating Data

CVAT Here is one tool you can use to create annotation data for free. CVAT: – You can annotate data for many computer-vision-related tasks(semantic segmentation, 3d object detection, etc.) – You can export with multiple format options Link: CVAT

202. PatchCore

PatchCore PatchCore offers competitive inference time while achieving state-of-the-art performance for both anomaly detection and localization. PatchCore is presented as an effective method for.. Maximizing nominal information available at test time Reducing biased towards ImageNet classes by using mid-level network…