Category Machine Learning

217. Collaborative Autonomous Driving

Challenges of Auto-Driving One of the challenges of auto-driving is avoiding collisions. The vehicles on the road will have to observe each other’s speed, position, braking/acceleration, and many other elements. Collaborative autonomous driving tackles this challenge. This technique gathers information…

216. Morphology Methods For Preprocessing

Opening Morphology Erode Image Dilate Back Image Code: import cv2 import numpy as np img = cv2.imread(“img_path”) kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8) opening = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) Closing Morphology Dilate Image Erode Back Image Code: import cv2 import numpy as np img…

215. Improving A3C

Improving A3C Deep Reinforcement Learning Model In case you don’t know what an A3C model is, please check my previous post. By replacing the hidden layer with an LSTM layer, you can improve the performance of the A3C model.

214. A3C

A3C: Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic A3C is a deep reinforcement learning method that consists of mainly 3 elements. Element 1: Asynchronous Instead of only having one agent trying to get to the desired destination, this paper has multiple agents exploring the…

213. Eligibility Trace: N-Step Q-Learning

Eligibility Trace Let’s say we want to use Q-Learning(a reinforcement learning method) to have an agent get from point A to a certain destination. Without Eligibility Trace, the agent will take one step and get feedback as a “REWARD” to…

212. Deep Convolutional Q-Learning Intuition

Intuition Deep Convolutional Q-Learning is a reinforcement learning method that visually perceives an image to understand what to do next to maximize the reward to achieve a certain task. Let’s say we are playing Mario. We can use DCQLearning to…

211. ONNX

ONNX Due to the increase of frameworks for developing machine learning models, working across frameworks and hardware ecosystems became extremely difficult. ONNX (Open Neural Network eXchange) is an open-source standard that defines a common set of operators and a file…

210. Graphical Neural Networks

NNs and GNNs NN’s Expects inputs as a node GNN’s Inputs/Outputs graphs instead of a singular node. Expects inputs as an array of nodes. Considers “Adjacency Matrix” which stores information on the relationships between each node, besides the results from…

208. Otsu Binarization

Otsu Binarization Image thresholding is used during the preprocessing phase to binarize images depending on the pixel intensities. Otsu Binarization is one method to find the appropriate threshold by minimizing the variance between each class. Here is an implementation example…