Category Machine Learning

62. Everyone in Star Mode

Yeah, this wasn’t supposed to happen. I trained an Instance segmentation model using NVIDIA’s Transfer Learning Toolkit to detect cars and deployed it on a Jetson. It seems I messed up with either the settings for the threshold or with…

61. Unsupervised Pre-Training

Unsupervised Pre-training is a method to initialize the weights for the hidden layers using unsupervised learning. And the procedure to do that is GREEDY LAYER-WISE PRETRAINING.  In this procedure, the machine will learn the weights in an unsupervised manner 1…

60. Invoking Actions After Detection

Just being able to detect things won’t be useful, so I created a function to invoke some kind of action under a certain condition.Thanks to Edge Electronics’s video, I was able to understand how to structure actions after detection. The…

58. Word Embedding

Let’s say we have 300 genres, that would mean each column of the table would be a 300×1 dimension vector representing the nuance of that word. Vectorizing this nuance is called word-embedding.By making the machine learn this nuance(the table above),…

54. Annotating Images with LabelIMG

For this post, I’d like to share how to label images using LabelIMG.I’ll be using the Anaconda command prompt, so start the tutorial after you’re inside one of your environments. Start LabelIMG Git clone the repo Install Requirements Change directory…

51. Model Optimization with TensorRT

OPTIMIZING YOUR MODELThere is a machine learning framework called, TensorRT to “optimize” your model for faster inference. I’ve been converting many models to a TensorRT engine for a while, but I didn’t really know how it was optimizing the model.…

50. Detecting My BRITA with YOLOV5

MY BRITAFor the past few weeks, I’ve been deploying pre-trained models so, for this time, I finally made my first retrained model for detecting my BRITA(I honestly just didn’t have anything else to detect). Since it’s my first time, I…