Category Deep Learning

54. Annotating Images with LabelIMG

For this post, I’d like to share how to label images using LabelIMG.I’ll be using the Anaconda command prompt, so start the tutorial after you’re inside one of your environments. Start LabelIMG Git clone the repo Install Requirements Change directory…

51. Model Optimization with TensorRT

OPTIMIZING YOUR MODELThere is a machine learning framework called, TensorRT to “optimize” your model for faster inference. I’ve been converting many models to a TensorRT engine for a while, but I didn’t really know how it was optimizing the model.…

50. Detecting My BRITA with YOLOV5

MY BRITAFor the past few weeks, I’ve been deploying pre-trained models so, for this time, I finally made my first retrained model for detecting my BRITA(I honestly just didn’t have anything else to detect). Since it’s my first time, I…

47. SSD_Inception_V2 vs SSD_MobileNet_V2

COMPARING MODELSLast week, I was able to deploy SSD_mobileNet_v2, so for comparison, this time I deployed SSD_Inception_V2. PREREQUISITE– DeepStream 5.0.1– Jetpack 4.4– Tensorflow 1.15.0 ( If you haven’t installed it yet, check out my last post) REFERENCES–– IMPLEMENTATION1.…

43. Generating Faces with GAN Part 2

PART 2I’ve tried generating faces to see how many images and epochs you need to get something recognizable. For part 1, I’ve done 23 epochs with about 20,000 images, and found that the machine was able to create something recognizable…

41. Generating Faces with GAN

How Much Is Enough? The last time I used gan(Generating cityscapes), the output was not recognizable due to a lack of data. So, as for my next step I wanted to find out how much data and epochs you need…