Category Computer Vision

94 TorchInfo

For a Tensorflow model, you can use .summary() to see the structure of your model. In pytorch, there is no such thing. So instead, you can use torchinfo. This was really useful when I wanted to do transfer-learning but didn’t…

79. Generate TensorRT Engine with Unet

Here is 1 way to Generate an engine file with Unet Pre-requisites – Deepstream 5.0.1 – TensorRT 7.1.3 – Jetson XAVIER NX – CUDA 10.2 Load Model import torch unet = torch.hub.load(‘milesial/Pytorch-UNet’, ‘unet_carvana’, pretrained=True) unet.eval() Export Model path_to_onnx =”” dummy…

62. Everyone in Star Mode

Yeah, this wasn’t supposed to happen. I trained an Instance segmentation model using NVIDIA’s Transfer Learning Toolkit to detect cars and deployed it on a Jetson. It seems I messed up with either the settings for the threshold or with…

60. Invoking Actions After Detection

Just being able to detect things won’t be useful, so I created a function to invoke some kind of action under a certain condition.Thanks to Edge Electronics’s video, I was able to understand how to structure actions after detection. The…