Category Computer Vision

346. CaDDN

Depth Estimation The main challenges in monocular 3D object detection lie in accurately predicting object depth. CaDDN(Categorical Depth Distribution Network) uses a predicted categorical depth distribution for each pixel to project appropriate depth in 3D space. Approaches There are several…

345. Stages of Generative Learning Methods

The 2 Stages There are mainly 2 stages when training a generative model. 1. Perceptual Compression Process of removing high-frequency details Encapsulate data into an abstract representation GANS accomplish this by projecting data from pixel space to a hyperspace called…

343. Depth From Motion

Types Here are some approaches to measure depth by only using RGB images from motion. Optical Expansion Observe how the length of an object changes as the camera moves closer. If the object is close, the length will dramatically change…

335. DAFormer

Objective DAFormer is an architecture proposed to improve domain adaptation for segmentation models. For the encoder, the “Hierarchical Transformer” is used due to being revealed to be robust to domain shifts. The decoder applies context-aware fusion which utilizes domain-robust context…

223. Contrastive Learning

Contrastive Learning Contrastive learning is a technique used to optimize computer-vision-related tasks by comparing multiple samples against each other to learn the attribute to identify the difference between each class.

217. Collaborative Autonomous Driving

Challenges of Auto-Driving One of the challenges of auto-driving is avoiding collisions. The vehicles on the road will have to observe each other’s speed, position, braking/acceleration, and many other elements. Collaborative autonomous driving tackles this challenge. This technique gathers information…

216. Morphology Methods For Preprocessing

Opening Morphology Erode Image Dilate Back Image Code: import cv2 import numpy as np img = cv2.imread(“img_path”) kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8) opening = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) Closing Morphology Dilate Image Erode Back Image Code: import cv2 import numpy as np img…

212. Deep Convolutional Q-Learning Intuition

Intuition Deep Convolutional Q-Learning is a reinforcement learning method that visually perceives an image to understand what to do next to maximize the reward to achieve a certain task. Let’s say we are playing Mario. We can use DCQLearning to…