

23.Controlling your Feelings

It’s hard to behave not the way we want to.Even if we do this, it’ll cause stress, and most of the time, they’ll notice that you don’t actually mean it. You can manage those situations by slightly altering your perspective.…

22.Data Shortages

Digital Transformation is happening everywhere.It is almost inevitable for a company to survive in this era. One of many ways of digital transformation is using Artificial Intelligence. Maybe using AI to make work more efficient, or maybe reconstructing the business…

19.Being Creative

We literally SEARCH EVERYTHING ONLINE.  What should I buy for his birthday present..? Hmm I don’t know, I’ll just ask google. By Me There are so many opportunities for INPUT. But we rarely think about OUTPUT. We are now living…

18.Do I really want this?

The most important element when you buy something is TRUST.If you can truly trust the person in front of you, there’s a higher chance you’ll buy their product. In order to create that TRUST, FAMILIARITY takes a HUGE role. And…

17. Your Identity

You become the average of the closest 5 people. Choose carefully. I think every one of our personalities are from 3 aspects. GENETIC, CLOSE ENVIRONMENT, COUNTRY CULTURE. GENETIC:We first construct our first personality by copying our parents and siblings. How…

16.What Color are you?

It is said that we can categorize our characters in 4 colors. Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green. REDS:These independent, strong-willed, and ambitious people will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They are fast and determined, if you get…

15.Starting with C?

When you start learning computer science, we can… A) Start with C, then move to other programming languages B) Start with easier languages, then move to c. C is a programming language that is closer to machine code(which means it is…