54. Annotating Images with LabelIMG

For this post, I’d like to share how to label images using LabelIMG.
I’ll be using the Anaconda command prompt, so start the tutorial after you’re inside one of your environments.

Start LabelIMG

Git clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/tzutalin/labelImg

Install Requirements

pip install pyqt5 lxml --upgrade

Change directory and run LabelIMG

cd labelImg
pyrcc5 -o libs/resources.py resources.qrc
python labelImg.py

Label Images

When you start LabelIMG, a window like this should appear.

After you’ve opened LabelIMG, do the following.
1. [OPEN DIR]: Directory of where your images are stored
2. [CHANGE SAVE DIR]: Directory where the annotation data will be saved
3. [Annotation Data Format]: Use YOLO for uhm…YOLO. (PascalVOC for SSD mobilenets)

If you’ve done the settings properly, the window should look something like this

press [w] to get the cursor

Drag and cover the object you want to label


Press [d] to go to the next picture, and repeat this process until you are finished!