3.Recording Booknotes

So It’s been a couple of years since I’ve started reading a lot of books, and it has given a huge impact on my mindset. You know what they say right? “LEADERS are READERS” CEO’s average is about 60 books per year.

I used to read about 1~2 books per month, but now I’m reading about 7~8 books per month. (No wonder I have no money) I remember refusing to read books until middle school because I always thought I wasn’t smart enough to read a whole book by myself. The first couple of months was quite hard, but now I have momentum and I’m enjoying it so far. I even got faster at reading! ( Thank you, Tim Ferriss)

The first two years, I was only reading and wasn’t taking any notes, just to realize I forgot most of the learned contents. (so sad) I was like ” How could I possibly forget the content I’m reading right now?” Reality punching me in the face.

My notebook

Since I’ve started recording the contents of each book, rating it with a scale from [1] to [life-changing], I’m remembering the key messages and now able to connect the ideas of each book to one another. This tracking itself is also creating momentum. It’s more like a game now, a game to add more books to my records.

If anyone knows a good method to record books it’ll be great if you’d give me a message!

I’ll post something about books I recommend soon!