397. Finding Data

▮ Where to Find

When starting a new project, you may need additional data to train your machine-learning model. So for this post, I’d like to share a couple of resources that might be able to help you find more data that is relevant to your project.

▮ Sources

1. Data Asset eXchange by IBM

A platform to discover datasets that are both high quality and have clearly defined license and usage terms.

2. Kaggle Dataset by Kaggle

Kaggle is a popular data science community where users can collaborate with other users, find and publish datasets, and compete with each other.

3. Dataset Search by Google

Google provides a search engine for datasets that might be able to help you find the right dataset.

4. Data.Gov by USA Government

Many governmental and intergovernmental organization maintains data repositories to provide access to a wide range of information including the US government.

▮ License

Just because the dataset is accessible, it does not mean you can use it for any purpose. You should always be careful with the license agreement whenever utilizing the sources above.

If you are interested, you can check out my previous post where I explain the kind of licenses to be careful with in more detail.