95. Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed

These are my takeaways from the book Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed

  1. To learn from mistakes relies on 2 components: Have the right kind of system that harnesses errors as a means of driving progress, and the right mindset that enables such a system to flourish.

  2. You can’t observe the counterfactual. Observe the airplanes that DIDN’T make it back

  3. Narrative Fallacy: We are hardwired to think that the world is simpler than it really is, tending to underestimate the complexity around us by not bothering to experiment at all.

Below are the quotes that didn’t make it to my top 3.

  • Eleanor Roosevelt : ‘Learn from the mistakes of others,’ You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself
  • Lying to oneself destroys the very possibility of learning
  • Cognitive Dissonance: When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply help beliefs we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs
  • Memory it turns out is not as reliable as we think
  • If you want to become a top architect, you must first design inefficient, clunky business
  • Creativity is just connecting things
  • James Dyson worked his way through 5,127 prototypes while competitors didn’t get through the first 100, He wasn’t the first
  • Japanese citizens demonstrated the highest fear of failure