44. The Four Waves of AI

I’m currently reading a book called AI SUPER-POWERS by Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, and the concept of the 4 waves of AI was very interesting, so I want to share what I’ve learned here. In the book, he explains that the revolution of AI will change our lives in a series of 4 waves.

– Internet AI
– Business AI
– Perception AI
– Autonomous AI

The first wave is largely about recommendation engines on the internet. For example, Amazon recommends you what you’ll likely buy next, or Netflix shows you an unlimited amount of new content that fits your preferences. This AI algorithm was able to create one of the most addictive content platforms and prompt people to spend a huge amount of money daily. But despite its phenomenal impact on the world, this remains bottled up in the digital world.

While the first wave labels and accumulates data from the internet users, this second wave does the same with the data each traditional company has been storing. For example, a residential design office covers data of how much time, money, construction period are required depending on the volume of a residence. Business AI takes advantage of these kinds of data to make better business decisions. But, like the first wave, this still remains bottled up in the digital world.

The third wave goes out of the boundaries of the first and second waves. This wave is about expanding the power to understand the information of the real world (Ex. Understanding Objects through the camera, understanding what people are saying through audio records) like human brains, throughout our living environment. This has the potential to bring some kind of value from online to offline(Also known as, O2O), which is kind of revolutionary.

This final wave integrates all of the 3 previous waves, enabling the machine to obtain the ability to optimize from the extremely complex data of the environment around them whether it’s online or offline. All the automated machines we see daily, are great at repeating the same thing over and over again, but can’t learn from the constantly changing surroundings. This is what makes autonomous different from automated. One of the most famous examples of this is Tesla’s auto-driving technology. If this is successful, this technology can be adapted to almost anything in the real world.

When I read this, I honestly was grateful I was born in one of the greatest times ever. Where AI is not under-developed but, hasn’t yet FULLY established. I think that there are so many ways we can still implement AI into our days that are not yet discovered. It feels like anyone still has the chance.