404. Youtube Channels To Learn AI

▮ Learning Online

While I was still learning about AI to become a data scientist as a residential architect, there was a lot of high-quality and free content on Youtube that helped me along the way. So for this post, I’d like to share my favorites when I want to learn more about machine learning.

▮ Statistics / Linear Algebra

  1. StatQuest with Josh Starmer
  2. ritvikmath
  3. 3Blue1Brown

▮ Machine Learning Implementation

  1. DeepLearningAI
    Probably the best channel if you want to get started.

  2. DigitalSreeni
    For people who wants to learn about computer-vision-related models. Mainly uses Tensorflow.

  3. Aladdin Persson
    For people who wants to learn about how to develop machine learning models using PyTorch.

  4. Nicholas Renotte
    For people who wants to learn about computer-vision-related models. Mainly uses Tensorflow.