34. Minimum Designing


I think that in almost any given situation, being able to design more elegantly is always better.

Unfortunately, I’m not THAT into designing and I don’t want to use too much time on it. So I thought about how I can arrange a clean presentation just by sticking to some simple rules. Thankfully, I’ve found something.

The principles I was able to find help me level up at least to the point where I can show it to somebody without being embarrassed. Those principles are…


As an example, the images below are some of my past presentations for my client when I was still in the Architecture Industry. Let me explain how I’ve applied each principle to my presentation.


Each element in the presentation such as the comments is aligned with at least one other element. ALIGNMENT is the most important aspect. No matter how much the colors and fonts are different if it’s aligned it’ll seem as if it is organized.


I’ve made the Title Much bigger than my name. This is important to emphasize the difference between each element. You don’t want everything to look the same.


I made sure for every page, the fonts and colors were consistent. The company theme color was green, so I used that color consistently, sometimes changing the brightness within the green scale for all of the headers. I also applied this when coloring my architectural sketch.


I still don’t think I’m a great designer. I just got slightly better at ORGANIZING things, which I’m proud of. Maybe these simple rules can help you too someday.