31. Creating a Habit-Forming Product


Recently I’ve read a book called “Hooked” by Nir Eyal and the strategy that was introduced in the book was absolutely mind-blowing. So for this blog, I want to share what I’ve learned from this book.
This book introduces the 4 PHASES to create a habit-forming product.



There are 2 types of trigger: External and Internal. While external trigger occurs in the environment around the user, internal trigger happens within. It is said that habits usually form starting with an external trigger, and as the user gets familiar with your product the inner cravings comes to play.


In order to have a user take action, 3 elements have to be present at the same time and in sufficient degrees. If any of these elements lack, it is less likely the user will actually take action. Those 3 elements are…


I’m not going to dive deep on each element. For this time, I’m going to share what I think is the most important, which is ABILITY.

ABILITY is about how easily and frictionlessly a user can get what they want. The more easier and frictionless the process is, the more likely the user will use your product again. Repetitive usage means there is a higher chance they will get familiar with your product. Therefore, EVEN MORE likely to use again. Also, Raising the level of ABILITY is much easier than motivating someone to do something.


First of all, the reward has to be unpredictable and varying. You probably know how fast we lose interest in something when its always predictable.
Secondly, you should keep in mind the 3 factors that creates the feeling of reward.

A) Sense of social acceptance
B) Sense of mastery
C) Crave to acquire something (The book uses a different term)

All the products I thought was addictive, always had these 3 factors.


The more you dedicate your time to something the more you feel passionate about it. You can called it the IKEA EFFECT. They make you build their furniture, which makes YOUR dedication (Time Investment) towards IKEA product mandotary. That is why people like me end up buying almost everything at IKEA.


This book made me excited from the start to the very end.
I feel so lucky to be able to read this book at an early stage of my life.

Thank you for reading until the very end!
I hope this book will have some sort of positive impact on you like it did on me!