30. Negotiation

Every part of communication has some relation with Negotiation.

When you ask your boss at work for some time, that’s negotiation.
When you want to have your boyfriend wash the dishes for you, that’s negotiation as well.

During this negotiation, it’s vital to understand that BEING RIGHT is not the answer. HAVING THE RIGHT MINDSET is.

There are two main factors that make people move.

  1. The Sense of security and protection.
  2. The Sense of being in control of the situation

These two feelings help people create the courage to take a step. I mean, if somebody is selling you something, and you feel insecure and feeling out of control, will you buy the product from that salesman? NO, right?

To create this sense, one effective approach is to use the NO-Oriented communication method.

For example, let’s say you want some time from your boss at work.
Instead of asking,

「Do you have a few minutes?」「Yeah, sure」

It’s better to ask, 

「Is now a bad timing?」「Not at all」

By letting them say NO, they’ll have a sense that they are being able to have a choice and protect themselves. When this accumulates, the sense of control gradually arises. Hence, contributing to a higher chance of getting the final YES.

There are many other methods to do this, but the most important part to remember is to UNDERSTAND WHY we take a step.