23.Controlling your Feelings

It’s hard to behave not the way we want to.
Even if we do this, it’ll cause stress, and most of the time, they’ll notice that you don’t actually mean it.

You can manage those situations by slightly altering your perspective.

In the Acting Industry, there is a concept called [Deep Acting]. This is when you not only superficially, but also internally dive into someone’s perspective. 

Actors/Actresses use this technique when they truly want to see the world from the character’s perspective. For example, you’ll never understand how a person in a wheelchair perceives the world, if you yourself have not been in that unique situation before. 

So if someone is just getting angry or being disrespectful for no reason, try considering this [Deep Acting] Method. His mother may have passed away just yesterday, or maybe she just lost her job.

You never know what they are going through.