207. CMPAI: AI Project Methodology

The 6 Phases

CPMAI is a Best-practice methodology for AI Projects proposed by Cognilytica.
This methodology consists of 6 phases.

Phase 1: Business Understanding
  • Assess the business situation
  • Should you even use an AI in the first place?
  • Is it actually solving a problem?
  • Scope down the task; You can’t expect an AI to solve a complex task if it can’t even solve a simple and easy one.
Phase 2: Data Understanding
  • What are the core data requirements?
  • Where are the data coming from?
  • How much data is available?
  • [Important]: Since you‘ve scoped the task in PHASE 1, you won’t have to gather millions of data to start the iteration.
Phase 3: Data Preparation
  • Create a pipeline for data engineering to be able to replicate the process for faster iteration.
  • Think up methods to clean, prune, and optimize data
Phase 4: Model Development
  • Modeling techniques
  • Algorithm selection
  • Model development and iteration
Phase 5: Model Evaluation
  • Does the model actually work?
  • Business KPI evaluation
  • Is the model right/wrong in acceptable ways?
Phase 6: Model Operationalization
  • AI projects are not done after deployment.
  • Continuous model management and evaluation
  • Model version control
  • Monitoring performance
