200. SPADE

Anomaly Detection

Nearest neighbor (kNN) methods utilizing deep pre-trained features exhibit very strong anomaly detection performance when applied to entire images. A limitation of kNN methods is the lack of segmentation map describing where the anomaly lies inside the image.

SPADE(Semantic Pyramid Anomaly Detection) tackles this challenge.


  1. Feature Extraction
    The paper uses the Resnet Feature Extracter pre-trained on ImageNet.
  2. KNN Normal Image Retrieval
    Determine which images contain anomalies by measuring the distance between image-level features and checking whether it exceeds a certain threshold.
  3. Sub-Image Anomaly Detection
    Construct a “Gallery” of features at all pixel locations of the K nearest neighbour. The anomaly score at pixel p, is given by the average distance between the features F(y, p) and its κ nearest features from the gallery G