What should I buy for his birthday present..? Hmm I don’t know, I’ll just ask google.
By Me
There are so many opportunities for INPUT. But we rarely think about OUTPUT. We are now living in an era where we don’t even have to make decisions by ourselves. I mean it’s much easier to just FOLLOW ACCORDINGLY, right?
Also, including me, if we try to do more output and be more creative, that will make the chance of embarrassing yourself higher. There’s no way all of those outputs are going to be perfect. We don’t want to do that..(OK fine, “I” don’t want to do that.)
I’ve just dived into the tech world recently, and I’ve been constantly thinking and searching online,
“What should I learn?”
”Should I take this course just in case?”
”Which programming language should I use?”
I wasn’t thinking about ACTUALLY creating something. I felt as if I was being ACTIVE, in a way, but at the same time, I was being PASSIVE as well. I was just waiting for a task to be given to me to work on. The purpose of learning programming, in the first place, is to create something you want to create.
We need to get comfortable making ORIGINAL IDEAs. That is what makes us different from the people around us.
Seth Godin said “The goal isn’t to get good ideas; the goal is to get enough bad ideas, then some good ones have to show up.”
To make something TRULY ORIGINAL, we have to constantly think up with new boring ideas.