17. Your Identity

You become the average of the closest 5 people. Choose carefully.

I think every one of our personalities are from 3 aspects. GENETIC, CLOSE ENVIRONMENT, COUNTRY CULTURE.

We first construct our first personality by copying our parents and siblings. How we perceive the world is highly influenced by our families. We must be careful not to create a mindset that will constrain us.

Then we make friends and have colleagues. You become the average of the closest 5 people, so if you surround yourself with 5 millionaires, you’ll become the 6th. If you surround yourself with 5 idiots, you will be the 6th. CHOOSE WISELY.     

COUNTRY CULTURE:What does everyone have in common? Unless you’re in the States, everyone has the same race. We are within the jurisdiction of the same government. This means we have some sort of “common sense”, which CAN create unique stereotypes.