146. BERT

What is BERT?

BERT is a deep learning architecture for natural language processing. If you stack the Transformer’s encoder, you get BERT.

What can BERT Solve?

  1. Neural Machine Translation
  2. Question Answering
  3. Sentiment Analysis
  4. Text Summarization

How to solve the problems above?

There are mainly 2 phases.
1. Pre-training phase
In this phase, the model is simultaneously trained for both MLM(Masked Language Model: Predict the masked word) and NSP(Next Sentence Prediction: Predict whether 2 sentences are following each other considering context) tasks for language understanding.

2. Fine-Tuning phase
After pre-training, the model will have deep understanding of language(What is English? What is Context?), so now you just have to fine-tune it to achieve your desired specific task.