14.Why Digital Transformation Fail

Even America, one of the most advanced nations in information technology, has a 70% CHANCE OF FAILING DX.

Why? It’s because not a lot of people understand why DX actually succeeds. We tend to think that in order to succeed at DX, we’ll need to build apps or use Machine learning to create a world-changing system. Well, It is true at some point.

THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF DX IS NOT THE SYSTEM ITSELF, BUT THE PEOPLE. It is said that the ratio to make DX succeed is 10% system and 90% People.

No matter what kind of great system you create, at the end of the day, the “people” at those companies are the ones who’ll have to implement it.
Therefore, if the people are NOT WILLING TO CHANGE how they work, or DON’T HAVE THE MINDSET THAT IT’S UP TO US whether this transformation would work out or not, DX WILL NOT HAPPEN.